Get Involved

Dress up in your finery, greenery, your magical costumes, paint your face green, whatever takes your fancy.

Joining In The Procession
The more the merrier we say! So if you’d like to wear a mask, dress up, bang a drum, or be a torch bearer – we’d love you to join the procession!


Would you like to be involved in making a torch to carry in the procession? Join King George in Mylor at 6pm on Thursday 15th May for a fun night of port, cheese and torch-making. 

Contact or King George 0411 401 416

We are always looking for volunteers to be involved – the Ale will benefit from your time and skills, you will achieve the satisfaction of knowing you have contributed to a significant community event, and have a lot of fun!


Market Stalls
The English Ale holds a market place on the Mylor Oval on the day of the Ale. We welcome local artisans to join us with their enticing merchandise and crafts. The English Ale attracts a wide range of people of all ages, including many from interstate.
Stall fees – On Mylor Oval – 4x4m marquee is $40. Stallholders to supply own table and shelter. No pegs are to be used on the oval, water weights only.
• Payment for site is required three weeks before the Ale.
• Stall set up is from 9am on Saturday morning to be completed by 11.30am. Stall pack down only after the bonfire is ended which is approximately 7.30pm.
• Public Liability Insurance is compulsory for all stallholders.
• No alcohol or food is to be sold.
• Removal of rubbish and goods from the site is the stallholder’s responsibility.
Please submit details of your proposed stall to

If you’d like to enquire about performing please email:

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